What's new on Chartmetric

Chartmetric helps entertainment professionals make smarter and faster music business decisions by providing reliable data and in-depth insights.

April 21, 2021

We made a few updates that you may have already noticed and some you might not have.

First off, we changed the navigation bar at the top. We found that the navigation bar was very crowded and would often disappear on devices with slightly smaller screens. We're also planning on adding some additional views in the future and really couldn't fit them anywhere. Everything is still there, we just grouped together our Advanced features (Compare, A&R, and Report) as well as our pages that feature lists such as Artists, Curators, Playlists, etc.

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We also heard from customers that they'd like to sort artists by percent change on their Dashboard. We added a toggle that you can use to change the primary metric to percent change so you can sort.

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To make things a little easier, on Track pages, we made it easier to compare Chart Scores across platforms. Instead of being only able to see one at a time, you can select multiple. Again, this is only available on Tracks pages because on Artist or Album pages, you can select different tracks to compare.

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Also on the tracks page, we've improved our coverage of composer data. You'll be able to find the composers of many more tracks than before!

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As always, please let us know what you think and if you have any questions, reach out to hi@chartmetric.com.

The Chartmetric Team

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