What's new on Chartmetric

Chartmetric helps entertainment professionals make smarter and faster music business decisions by providing reliable data and in-depth insights.

September 15, 2020

Filter and Airplay Updates

Summer may be coming to an end for the northern hemisphere, but product improvements never stop.

1. Artist page filter with improved usability

With over 2.4 million artists, finding the right artists can be difficult. We recently launched our updated filtering system on the Artists page to help you find and segment artists. Want Artists with more than 100k but less than 500K TikTok followers? You got it! What about artists that have between 10,231 and 56,789 Instagram followers, a Spotify popularity score at 35 exactly, and more than 765 TikTok likes? That’s oddly specific, but sure! Either drag the sliders or fill out the text boxes with exact parameters. The artist list will update as you apply filters!

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2. Airplay charts for artists and tracks

Radio will always have a special place in our hearts and now it has a special place in our Charts page. Discover what artists and tracks are heating up the airwaves around the world or in your country( especially if you aren’t listening to the radio on your long commutes as much these days).

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As always, we’re excited to keep improving and appreciate any feedback. Keep tuned in for even more updates in the future!


The Chartmetric Team

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