We're excited to share that detamoov will support customized data retention policies for all customers starting Monday May 1st, 2023. Designed with security at the forefront, all data transported through detamoov is secured and encrypted at rest. But we know a key tenet of any security plan is to only have access to data that you truly need.
We realize each customer has their own tolerance related to data storage. Therefore, starting May 1st, detamoov will support customized data retention settings. By default, all customers will utilize our 16 month setting. You will have the ability to set your own policy between 3-24 months. If you'd like to change your default setting before we go live on 5/1/2023, please email support@detamoov.com and share the number of months you'd like to use by default.
Your data retention setting determines how long data received and processed will be retained in detamoov. If you leave the default 16 months in place, this means detamoov will store any data transported or created by detamoov for 16 months from the date it was generated. Once a retention date is passed, data will be deleted from detamoov and will not be recoverable.
Why 16 months? Our thought, thanks to feedback from some customers, is if you needed to do an annual audit they typically occur in Q1 of the following year. So having 16 months of data seemed appropriate.
Remember, you can customize your own setting to be anywhere between 3-24 months related to retention. To do this before we go live on 5/1/2023, please email support@detamoov.com and share the number of months you'd like to use by default. This will impact all data you currently have in detamoov.
No matter your data retention setting, all detamoov reports will retain history indefinitely. This means your Activity Log, moov Execution Log and all other reports are not impacted. Only the data transported itself will adhere to your data retention setting.