FluxBuilder Ideas

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Design Sync to Appstore & Google Play stores (without re-publishing)
Completed February 10, 2023

Say goodbye to repetitive tasks! FluxBuilder's revolutionary Design Sync feature lets you effortlessly update your app's design across the App Store and Google Play – without ever needing to re-publish your app.

Effortless Design Updates:

  • Make a Change, See it Everywhere: Modify your app's design in FluxBuilder, and watch the changes seamlessly sync to both the App Store and Google Play.
  • Save Time & Resources: Eliminate the need for separate app store submissions for minor design tweaks.
  • Focus on What Matters: Spend less time on technicalities and more time creating a fantastic app experience.
Thank you for your feedback.
We are ⚡by Beamer
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We are ⚡by Beamer