What's new on IELTS with Fiona

IELTS Made Easier

November 17, 2021

"Hey!" and other words that may cause offence

Squirrel GIF by GamerLink - Find & Share on GIPHY - GamerLink - GIPHY

Do you ever get spam emails where they don't know your name so they just say "Hey"?

As you can see in the GIF, this can come across as rude IF you don't add a first name.

So it might be OK to say "Hey Fiona" if you know the person (it really depends on the person, so be careful) but probably safer to use "Hi Fiona" or "Dear Fiona" if you're writing for the first time.

It's REALLY rude to have no form of address at all. Other things to avoid:

  • "I want help" (it sounds demanding)
  • "I wanna join your course" (it sounds lazy)
  • "Can u help?" (lazy)
  • "Please do the needful, dear" (patronising)
  • "Can you do this for free?" (very rude)
  • "Mam" or "Maam" (keep this one for when you meet the Queen).
emoji negative reaction for '"Hey!" and other words that may cause offence' emoji neutral reaction for '"Hey!" and other words that may cause offence' emoji positive reaction for '"Hey!" and other words that may cause offence'
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