Just to be clear - I'm not against using synonyms.
But I AM against lists of synonyms that CANNOT BE USED IN EVERY CONTEXT.
These are LAZY LISTS - easy to google and they get lots of likes on social media, but they will LOWER YOUR SCORE in IELTS.
Remember it's about QUALITY NOT QUANTITY.
This video sums up most of the problems I see when learners try to use synonyms for people:
- humans/ human beings - only use this when you want to distinguish humans from animals or aliens
- citizens - people who have specific legal rights in the country where they live
- residents/inhabitants - people who live in a specific area
- civilians - people who are not on active duty in the armed services or not on a police or firefighting force.
- individuals - specific people, not general
- mankind/the human race - every single human being, all of us.
- humanity - all the people of the world as a whole