What's new on IELTS with Fiona

IELTS Made Easier

February 07, 2022

The danger of "Stop saying ________" posts

I've realised that the only reason that people make these ridiculous "Stop saying _________" posts is to get more comments.

This is a very dangerous game. They are deliberately saying stupid things because they know that people will react, and the algorithms will think they're really popular.

Here are some I saw last week, all of which got about 30,000 views:

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Image #3
Image #4

1. It is absolutely fine to say "I'm from" in your speaking test.

2. It is absolutely fine to say "I think" in your speaking test.

3. It is absolutely fine to say "I agree" in your speaking test.

4. It is absolutely fine to say "So" in your writing test.

Very often the alternatives that they give you just don't work the same gramatically.

e.g. "Don't say 'but' - say 'Nevertheless'".

'I don't like coffee nevertheless I like tea' just sounds weird and is grammatically wrong ('Nevertheless' starts a new sentence).

Don't try to force your language - use it naturally, the way that you hear other people speak.

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