In a previous tip, we talked about the benefits of adapting Task 1 graph labels (especially when they are countries.)
This is a good opportunity for you to show flexibility.
For example, if the graph shows data about people who live in France/ Spain/ Switzerland etc, you could use 'French/Spanish/Swiss people' in your response.
In this graph, one of the labels is 'Philippines'. When refering to the country, you need to write THE Philippines.
You might also want to use Philippine (adjective) people and Thai (adjective) people for people from Thailand.
Apparently (I've just learnt this - please correct me if I'm wrong) Filipino refers to both the people and the language in the Philippines. It is also correct to say Filipino for a male and Filipina for a female (not Philippino).
Members: Review Countries and Nationalities (with quiz to practise)
Members: I've added this as an extra 'predictions' lesson and quiz in the Writing Task 1 Course.