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IELTS Made Easier

November 14, 2021

Useful word: Overwhelming/overwhelmed

Image #1

Meaning: to have too much to deal with

  • My students often say they feel overwhelmed (adjective) by the amount of IELTS information online.
  • The language that you need for the IELTS test can sometimes feel overwhelming (adjective).
  • Too much information can lead to overwhelm (noun).
  • Too much information will overwhelm you (verb).

'Overwhelming' can also mean "most". For example

"According to the chart, the overwhelming majority preferred online books" (= most people).

"The overwhelming majority of teachers are overworked and are underpaid". (=most teachers).

'Overwhelming' is also a Present Participle and can be a high-level linking word.

'Overwhelmed' is a Past Participle, and can also be used as a high-level linking word.

Members Academy - check out the Present/Past Participle Linking Word lesson here.

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