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April 28, 2023

New Builder Updates - Live in Your Account Now 💻

Hello Heroes!

Today I wanted to shine a spotlight on some new updates made to the Text box builder!

Clear Formatting Button

Have you ever pasted text from an external source such as a Word document, only to find unwanted text formatting copied over as well? This can result in a jumbled mess of text where there was once a beautifully laid-out piece of work!

Have no fear! This is no longer an issue, as we have added a Clear Formatting Button to the text box builder:

Image #1

With a push of that button, the unwanted formatting will be gone in a flash! The Clear Formatting button is available in the Page and Email editor.

Learn more about Clear Formatting here!

Text Box Size Increase

Another fun text box upgrade has been added: Text Box Size Increase!

This enables the text box to increase in size while you are typing, to fit your text. Before, the text box would scroll with your text, which would block the view of the text above the box cut off while typing. Now you can see all of your text as you type it:

White Text Outline

Last but not least, a small helpful visual update! When using white colored font, a small outline has been added to help the visibility of that text in the textbox editor:

Image #2

We hope you love these changes and that they make your creation process smoother and faster.

Drop a comment down below letting us know what you think of these Text Box updates 😄

💻 Until next time, thank you for being the very best part of Kajabi. Happy creating!

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