Kink AI Ideas

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Better response rules.
Feature request
Under Review October 21, 2024
Here are some changes that'd make the chatting experience much better. 1. Force answers to questions: when you ask a direct question, the ai has to reply to that. Tired of the ai just describing stuff instead of actually conversing with the user. 2. Stop repeating user prompt: Imagine you type "I followed her looking curiously." Then the ai response is "User followed her with a curious heart". Have the ai actually move the conversation forward instead of just repeating what the user said. 3. Messages conducive to moving the chat/story forward: ai should try to respond in a complete action/scene the user can react to, instead of just random descriptions or incomplete actions like smiling or thinking about answering or starting to talk. Each ai msg should be something that can be easily replied to by the user. Long messages are fine if necessary, much better than incomplete ones.
Thank you for your feedback.
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