Kink AI Ideas

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Better syntax & llm documentation.
Feature request
In Progress October 12, 2024

Often I try to feed to feed the ai information without the bot character knowing by thinking or describing it. But then the bot just goes on to mention that in the next reply. It'd be good if we had proper syntax the user & ai could follow, properly documented in a easy to find place in the site. For example: words within " were said out loud, words within * are actions taken by the characters, words within ' are thoughts known only to that bot (unless story allows other to know thoughts if others) & words within () are instructions or information given to the ai from the user directly without the characters involvement. This would definitely help unify the experience. Similarly a documentation for the ai models, like Wizard or Dolphin, should be available describing what they are, their strengths & weakness compared to each other & how to use them properly. (Like I find switching between models too much in a single chat sometimes lowers the quality. Idk if that's actually the case)

Thank you for your feedback.
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