Kink AI Ideas

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Simplified character creation and edit option
Feature request
Under Review November 21, 2024
Hi Kink team, IIRC, this feature has been teasered once or twice on Discord, but I think it could be a major game changer for a lot of users. The current workflow of entering a character submission via Google forms is needlessly complicated, IMHO. Integrating a character creation form into the chat's GUI would motivate a lot more users to submit their own creations and, more importantly, reach those who aren't on discord and don't know there even is an option to create your own characters. Furthermore, I'd love an option to edit and tweak your own characters, to make (moderated, if necessary) changes and improvements even after publication. Lastly, a comprehensive list of content that is and isn't allowed would be incredibly helpful. I know there are several posts on discord about this, but again, this excludes regular users who aren't on discord.
Thank you for your feedback.
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