Context: Checkout is the next logical step after building our Check-in Feature. It closes the Gate Management solution (In and out) adding value to the existing feature and solving for a gap that our scheduling system has: how to accurately capture "out times" and help our customers close the final step of the appointment journey: after appointment completion until carrier departure.
Feature Capabilities:
Collect Checkout information (customizable as custom fields) on a form to be triggered ONLY at appointment completion (these fields won't show up before the appointment gets to the stage of being completed) - See picture 1
Checkout info will live inside the appointment once checkout is complete - See picture 2
Reports: Upon using checkout, a new metric can be added and used: checkout timestamp.
Tags: Once Checkout is complete, a tag will be added to the appointment automatically (will help for consistent reports and appointment visibility as well as reduce/eliminate the manual task)
User flow: warehouse user manually hits appointment complete, that triggers a form (checkout) to pop up. User fills out the form and submits it. That marks the Checkout complete and the appointment status as complete. They can go back to the form by undoing complete status and editing the checkout information and resubmitting it.