What's new on Services CloudRadio


March 30, 2019

Release note

New features:

- Radio hosting has now been integrated directly with the auto DJ. So a separate radio hosting is no longer needed with the auto DJ. (Standard radio hosting is still available). - New CDN radio hosting available with the auto DJ. Here the main features: 1. It supports an unlimited amount of listeners and unlimited bandwidth, no need to worry about the number of slots anymore. 2. It supports 2 streams (one high quality up to 320kbps and one low bandwidth up to 64kbps). 3. The CDN provides 3 locations worldwide at this time (more to come). Your listeners will automatically connect to the server closest to them. The Auto DJ itself can be deployed in 2 locations, you should choose the closest location to your studio (where you are doing Live show from). 4. The CDN provides native support on port 80 and https stream.

You can order this feature by going into Create > Auto DJ. It's available at $39/month including 10gb disk space and the CDN radio hosting.

Bug Fix:

- Fixed charset with the new radio CDN to support accents.

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