GoalsMapper™️ is the first fintech / insurtech company in Singapore with the vision to redefine financial planning, through its real-time, scenario-based and customer-facing financial planning software.
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I'm finding that the premiums for H&S plans are 50% off. Actual premiums are sometimes 1 year higher than what GM displays. This can be a several thousands of dollars off when clients age...
Allow the IRAS tax to be paid in the following year not the year of income. Ex Taxes for 2024 would show on 2025 the way that actually happens in cash flow.
based on the attached img , it will be good that i can click on one of the total coverage example long term care and it will list out what are the policy that add up to the total pay out for long...
During retirement, should client runs into deficit and there is still balances in the CPF-OA account, allow an one click button to auto drawdown CPF-OA to meet the year by year deficit
Add financial planning guidelines based on the financial planning guide released by Moneysense in the generated portfolio summary report for conversation points on sufficiency of coverage.