GoalsMapper Ideas

GoalsMapper™️ is the first fintech / insurtech company in Singapore with the vision to redefine financial planning, through its real-time, scenario-based and customer-facing financial planning software.

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Varying income growth rates
Feature request
Under Review
Allow customisation of income/salary growth rate by age ranges. 3% can be too conservative and unrealistic for some industries.
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Auto draw down CPF savings
Feature request
Under Review
During retirement, should client runs into deficit and there is still balances in the CPF-OA account, allow an one click button to auto drawdown CPF-OA to meet the year by year deficit
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Include CareShield Life
Feature request
Under Review
Include CareShield Life premium and benefit
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Include Financial Planning Guidelines released from Moneysense
Feature request
Under Review
Add financial planning guidelines based on the financial planning guide released by Moneysense in the generated portfolio summary report for conversation points on sufficiency of coverage.
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Feature request
Under Review
Life Insurance Report to :- Upon risk, what they want - what they have = their needs. A simple report to be generated immediately.
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Add limited supplementary charges for investment link policy
Feature request
Under Review
example, 10 years 3%p.a supplementary charge, but charge in monthly on investment value.
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Under Personal Accident, the benefits
Feature request
The benefits coverage should auto reflect Accidental Death and Disablement
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