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March 24, 2021

Customize Your League Lobby & Shareable League Signups

Check out our new customizable league lobby for your center. The league lobby can be permanently linked for bowlers to access directly from your website to view league info, and join leagues directly!

Access your center's lobby from the top right toolbar.  

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If you wish to post your league's lobby to your website, copy your center's private link by right clicking on the lobby 

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or from your URL address bar after visiting the lobby

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Sort your leagues by name, start date, bowlers, or any other column. This sorting will be also displayed to your bowlers from the lobby.

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Customize the display of your leagues in any order you choose. We plan to add more customizability to the private lobby, and if you have any suggestions or feedback for additions, we're happy to hear.

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Bowlers can view any league info or join leagues directly from your center's league lobby.

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Link directly to league's info or directly to the signup form by clicking on the name of the league, and copying the link, or clicking on join, and copying the URL from the browser.

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If you have any questions, suggestions, or additions for your center's lobby, please reach out to us any time!

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