What's new on LeaguePals

LeaguePals news feed and changelog.

March 02, 2020

Visual Enhancements

As a dedication to keeping our software fresh, as well as easy to navigate and view we have made the below visual updates based on your recent feedback:

Increased font size on mobile - Feedback we've received from bowlers stated they wish that the font in the standings on their mobile devices was too small to read. We have increased the font size where applicable.

Image #1

Schedule Tab - To make things a little simpler to navigate, we have moved the lane schedule to its own tab inside the standings.

Image #2

Bowler Substitute List - Bowlers now have the ability to view the substitute list from inside their rules tab.

Image #3

New Manage Teams UI - We have updated and simplified the manage teams area. After clicking the dropdown on a team, you can click the crayon in the top right to turn the team into edit mode to make changes.

Image #4

Click on Save or Cancel when completed.

Image #5

As always please let us know if you enjoy the changes, and let us know if you have any other feedback.


The LeaguePals Team


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