Hi, when publishing a show, the description of the episode crunches all paragraphs together into one instead of staying in the format that it was written in on the platform. Can you update to where...
I recently exported a recording but received no notification to inform me it was ready for download. A download section in the left navigation would be useful, which just shows all content that is...
I don't like how magic does things I don't necessarily want it to do. It would be great if we could select the options of what we want to magic dust it for.
The Remove Silence feature is a wonderful feature for any editing program. However, in the case of Podcastle, it's EXTREMELY limited in that you have no control over the amount of silence you want to...
Sometimes, instead of cutting an audio in sections, I want to keep the flow of 2 audios recorded separately and merge them to make them sound naturally, instead of having a bleep.
I'd love to have some basic effects like fade in, fade out etc(like audacity) as i have to use other sites to first add an effect like that and then import to Podcastle.