What's new on REISift

We Help Real Estate Professionals turn more prospects to leads and more leads to revenue

Coming Soon
May 11, 2021

Feature Updates!

We are excited to announce the we have some awesome new features releasing!

Of course we will let you know when they are officially launched, but currently in BETA is:

Ballpoint Direct Mail

Direct mail is one of the most proven and successful marketing strategies in the Direct to Home Owner Marketing space. It is used by nearly every sub-industry in real estate. At REISift we focus not only on providing these tools for your marketing, but also making sure you understand HOW to best utilize these tools.

Consistency is key in direct mail, but its also another TOUCH to a seller which you may be trying to reach in other ways and have no success. We HIGHLY recommend you go through our GO NO GO challenge to learn these tactics in detail.

More to come with our direct mail (SiftMail), but know that this is going to be one of the most simple and efficient way to send post cards in the INDUSTRY. It is already amazing, and allows us to kick out high converting letters in a matter of seconds.

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Additional Fields

Additional fields give you the capability to upload a TON of new columns from your data INTO REISift so you can filter even DEEPER!

We are not LIMITING you by the amount of custom fields, instead we are giving ALL THE POWER by allowing you to not only manage the most common fields given from data providers, but ALSO additional unique fields that we find very important around data sets such as: Tax Auction Dates, Personal Representative, Attorney on Files, Bankruptcy details, and much more.

Essentially we want the ability for each primary type of dat set you farm, to have some of those unique fields available from those data sets. It only makes sense =D

We have more to come on our upload process to make building these upload profiles based on the type of data your uploading, but we will leave that for another post.

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