Add a frame by frame search feature.From Spot:
This is available today -- if you click the gearwheel in the bottom right of the video player, then select Keyboard Shortcuts, you can see the shortcut...
The "Control Bar" that play / pause / back 10sec. disapears to soon. We frequently mess up the search when searching for a particular spot. we want to pause or go bacak and when we go to do that the...
We have occasionally recorded events that have required our leadership to use the recorded video segment on a specific camera to discipline or correct staff or employee behavior or actions. Once the...
It would be nice if we didn't have to change the time zone for each camera. It should recognize that we are in the eastern zone and automatically set to that and not the UK.
The user import feature is nice, however this still requires us to go through and add group/location to each user individually, making the user import essentially redundant. Can we get a line on the...
When saving video, it would be helpful to be able to save it as viewed while zoomed in. This will allow sharing of videos where the area of concern is on a small area of what the camera records.
It would be nice if the screenshots included the date and time, so when building a sequence of events for our company reports, it's easy to lay them out in chronological order