Spot AI Ideas

The home for all your cameras

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upload_file Upload image
attendance tracking
Feature request
Under review
can agents be used to track employee attendance
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See who else is looking
Feature request
Under review
I'd love it I could see who else in my company is looking at the cameras at the same time as me.
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Alert Pause
Under review
A "pause alert" button for each individual camera would be VERY helpful. This would help minimize unnecessary loads of the same alerts of prolonged presence. But it would need to be for each...
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Direct Phone Number for Support
Under review
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Frame by Frame search
Feature request
Add a frame by frame search feature.From Spot: This is available today -- if you click the gearwheel in the bottom right of the video player, then select Keyboard Shortcuts, you can see the shortcut...
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Wall restrictions
Feature request
Under review
Can you restrict which walls can be seen by specific users or rolls?
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Control Bar on Search
Under review
The "Control Bar" that play / pause / back 10sec. disapears to soon. We frequently mess up the search when searching for a particular spot. we want to pause or go bacak and when we go to do that the...
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"Find Same" Search feature for people and vehicles
Feature request
Under review
It would be amazing if you could click on a person or an individual and have it pull up every appearance of that person or vehicle in any camera.
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Hide or Delete Video Segments
Feature request
Under review
We have occasionally recorded events that have required our leadership to use the recorded video segment on a specific camera to discipline or correct staff or employee behavior or actions. Once the...
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Time Zone
Feature request
Under review
It would be nice if we didn't have to change the time zone for each camera. It should recognize that we are in the eastern zone and automatically set to that and not the UK.
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