What's new on Y-Productive

The app to keep your work and distractions under control

April 30, 2018

New features: Daily activities and Quick Categorization

1.7.0 (April'30, 2018)


  • Daily activities and quick categorization:

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Now you can receive even more insight into your work behavior at a glance. This feature displays all the websites or apps you used during the day, time spent on productive and unproductive activities and the summarized number of your distractions per day.

You can hide it, have it semi-open to work with tasks or open to the full screen by clicking the button in the middle.

Hint: You can view your past day activities in a History tab.

  • With this feature, we added the Quick Categorization buttons. New activities will show up as Uncategorized. You can quickly mark them as Productive or Unproductive one by one or several in a row. There is a 2-second delay in case you change your mind or missclick.

Click-click and you're all done!

Y-Productive Staging 2018-05-01 10-10-31 copy.png

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