Ticketsolve Ideas

Ticketsolve is a ticketing, marketing, CRM, fundraising and memberships platform for arts and culture organisations, with a reputation as a valued strategic partner to our customers that has built up over the past 15 years.

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Suggest an idea What would make Ticketsolve more useful to you?
upload_file Upload image
View From a Seat
Feature request
Under Review
I would like our customers to be able to see an image of the stage from the POV of whichever seat they are selecting online
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Membership Status/Membership Tab
Under Review
Would it be possible to rename the setting on the main Customer Records view that relates to the customer having an active online account. Currently this toggle/status is named as 'Membership' on...
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Quick View of Total Database Number
Not Planned
[Copied from Help Centre Wishlist]It would be useful to be able to see how many customers are in the database without having to create a run a report.For example, my instinct when trying to find this...
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Possibility to add a comment on blocked seats?
Feature request
Under Review
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Return to Box Office function
Feature request
Not Planned
It would be great if when you leave the Event Summary tab on an event that it would automatically take you back to the Box Office screen, instead of going to the event calendar. It's a really minor...
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Donations- Round Up
Under Review
I know donations is something we can do with Ticketsolve but we wanted to see whether there was more scope in it. I know currently we can add a box and have set options for donations which pop...
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easier way to identify printed tickets on seat plan
Feature request
Not Planned
with our previous ticketing system upon looking at seating plan the user could see immediately what had been paid/ printed (black) those on paid/but not printed (green) and any others - i:e comps,...
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Highlight on seat map if customer has already booked
Feature request
Not Planned
If possible, could we have an account link to a seat map so that we can see if they have already booked for a show. This would help to avoid duplicate bookings.
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Promo codes in orders and reports/overview
Not Planned
It would be great if info on promo codes could be included in orders and in event reports and overview. I understand that I can pull a report on promo code usage but it would be really helpful to see...
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Projects: Lists and tickboxes
projects (beta testing)
Under Review
Hi there, I'm a Trello user and so this idea comes straight from there as it's the feature I use the most. Will you also offer a list with tickboxes in Projects?
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